Environmental Sustainability drives updated policy initiative from Safe4


Safe4 has acknowledged its responsibility for making a contribution towards the emission of greenhouse gases since September 2012, when it first published details of the environmental sustainability benefits of utilising electronic methods of handling, delivering and storing documents. The updated policy can be read here.

Reducing Carbon Footprints

Implementing Safe4 for secure and instant document delivery will not only reduce costs and enhance service, it will also reduce the consumption of scarce resources and the generation of greenhouse gases, and help your organisation to comply with current and future legislation.

Most of us in society today recognise that the relentless increase in the consumption of the earth’s resources will ultimately lead to difficulties that will affect all countries, not just those that are part of the supply chain for fossil fuels.  The supplies of other scarce resources, such as water, are also under severe threat.

Using Safe4 as a means of getting important documents securely to clients and other business associates means that the use of paper as a medium can be radically reduced.  This not only saves significant amounts of energy and water, it also saves money and improves business performance.

The legislative imperative

Whilst not all nations agree on the best way to solve the problems caused by over-consumption of resources and the effect of greenhouse gas emissions, the United Kingdom is committed to measures that will ensure that companies and public bodies report accurately on their energy usage.  This not only covers their directly-managed business activities, but recently introduced protocols also include transportation of goods both in and out, all outsourced activities, business travel, and importantly, the companies both large and small that supply them.  This means that even small and medium organisations will have to report their energy usage if they wish to supply goods or services to larger corporations or any central or local government group.

Safe4 provides a highly effective and demonstrably compliant means of assisting the achievement of this goal.

Scope 3 of the international greenhouse gas protocol has now been introduced into the Carbon Reduction Commitment scheme.  Whilst this increases pressure on firms to comply, it also presents opportunities for improvements in business practice that will save money and lead to more sustainable processes.

The UK Government is at the forefront of international efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  More information on this was released by DEFRA in 2012. Click here to read their press release.  Other recent developments in this area are being reported constantly.

For more information on how using Safe4 can assist your organisation to enhance compliance, improve service, reduce costs and support a more sustainable policy towards the environment, please contact us.