UK Legal Profession warned of the importance of information security

A number of sources have recently published some salutary information on the need for improved security among the UK’s professional practioner community.  Digital Law have highlighted this in a fairly damning article, which can be viewed by clicking here.  The UK Information Commissioner’s Office has pointed out the need for solicitors and barristers to take greater note of poor security standards, and to draw attention to these when possible.  At present more than 50% of UK law firms use open email services to transfer confidential information.

Whilst not everyone will regard US whistle-blower Edward Snowden as their favourite source of advice on security matters, his recent comments on data security, and in particular the use of Dropbox, make interesting reading.  A number of leading UK security specialists have strongly supported his views.  His comments can be viewed by clicking here.

By providing a highly secure document delivery and storage service, Safe4 overcomes all of these concerns.  Using UK-hosted data centres accredited to ISO-27001, Safe4 is among the most secure services on the internet according to independent testing laboratories.  Annual penetration testing under the auspices of GCHQ through the UK Government’s IT CHECK scheme also helps to ensure that confidential information is managed using the highest standards possible.

If you would like more information on how Safe4 can assist your firm, please use the Contact Us link on this website.