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Safe4 to unveil the new Asset Register at the Society of Will Writers Conference

Safe4 launched the Digital Inheritance Vault at the Society of Will Writers Conference in October 2015, and this has subsequently been presented at many of the Society’s regional group meetings.  Members have been taking up the vault as a means of helping their clients to manage their inheritance plans and digital legacy, and many are actively promoting the facility.

At the Society’s Conference in October 2016, Safe4 will be announcing and demonstrating an important enhancement to the Digital Inheritance Vault.  Described as the Asset Register, this will provide a means for each client to manage critical information that will be essential when probate is being carried out, and importantly will allow the will-writer to set up different asset classes to manage information about the appropriate elements of their client’s digital legacy.

Strict security settings will be applied to the Asset Register to ensure that no unauthrised access can be gained.  Upon the death of the testator, and after suitable steps to prove identity, the client’s executor will be given read-only access to the Asset Register and the Vault, thus providing all of the requisite information required for probate in one place.

Different asset classes will include basic identity information about the client – NI number, NHS Number, etc – as well as online account details.  Physical assets such as property, jewellery, motor vehicles, works of art and others can also be identified in the register, as can details of accounts with organisations such as PayPal, gambling accounts, store cards, and others that may have credit balances that would add value to the estate.  Of great value will be the ability to record access details for the client’s digital devices, such as iPads, computers, telephones and others that may contain treasured memories, as well as information relating to email and social media accounts.

Ben Martin, Director of Safe4, believes that the Asset Register will add significantly to the value that the Digital Inheritance Vault brings to the end client.  “Until now, the vault has been a highly effective way to store the confidential documents that make up the client’s estate plan.  This in itself will have a major impact on the way in which probate is handled, reducing the time taken by 2 months or more by making all of the critical documents available in one place.  The Asset Register will enhance this considerably by providing a means to store a wide range of information that may not be represented in documents, but will nevertheless be of great importance to the client’s executor and family.  Unlocking social media and email accounts, allowing access to be gained to physical devices that may contain irreplaceable memories, and generally summarising a wide range of online activities in a facility that can be easily and safely updated and maintained during the testator’s lifetime will give the family a means to recover vital information that can so easily be lost.”

More evidence of the need to capture the Digital Legacy

A recent article on the BBC Technology website (click here) has highlighted once again the need for a means to capture the important elements of our digital lives, so that loved ones can gain access to the vital information and valuable memories that we leave behind. As we all use digital devices more and more, we are generating information about our lives that can so easily be captured if we have have access to a facility that can hold passwords and other private details.

The Safe4 Digital Inheritance Vault, launched at the Society of Will Writers annual conference in October 2015, provides a facility for clients of the Society’s members to store highly confidential information about their life and their legacy that even the will-writer cannot see. This information will be released to the executor nominated in the will after the testator’s death, so that the details can be used to carry out the probate process. The Digital Vault can also be used to keep usernames, passwords and PINs for online accounts completely private. Access to electronic devices, which themselves may hold large amounts of personal information such as messages and photographs, can also be made available to the family, in accordance with the testator’s wishes.

The Digital Inheritance Vault is now being taken up by more and more of the Society’s members, so that they can offer their clients a secure and efficient way to handle this sensitive but valuable information.

For more details on the Digital Inheritance Vault, and how it can be used to capture the Digital Legacy, please get in touch with us.

Safe4 to exhibit at Society of Will Writers Annual Conference, 2016

The Society of Will Writers Annual Conference in October 2015 saw the official launch of the Safe4 Digital Inheritance Vault, a highly secure facility for managing a client’s estate plan and capturing their digital legacy for future generations. The 2016 conference will take place on 10 and 11 October, at the Abbey Hotel in Redditch, Worcestershire.

Safe4 will be exhibiting once again, and will feature enhancements to the Digital Inheritance Vault, as well as updating the conference on progress with the introduction of the vault to members. Response by the membership of the Society has been strong, with a number of will-writing businesses having signed up and now actively offering the service to their clients.