Safe4 virus protection enhanced

In order to maintain the primary Safe4 commitment of security for information held on behalf of customers and their clients, the anti-virus protection applied when documents are uploaded to the system has been enhanced. Scanning for viruses as every document is uploaded has been an automatic function of the system since Safe4 was launched, and this has now been updated and strengthened.

As well as rejecting any files that are found to contain a virus, the system will now send an email to the uploading user advising that the file has disallowed content, and to the nominated administrator. In addition, the attempted upload and the rejection are now captured by the Safe4 audit trail, and can be queried by a user with the appropriate administration permissions. If an infected file is placed into a ZIP file, Safe4 will detect the virus and reject the upload, regardless how many levels of ZIP file have been used. Similarly, any infected files uploaded using the WebDAV interface will be rejected and reported in the same way.

For more information on how Safe4 can enhance your online security and keep your information safe, please contact us.