Safe4 version 4.3 is released

In recent months the development team at Safe4 have been actively engaged with enhancements to the service that will improve the user’s experience, and help us to meet the many requirements for new capabilities that are constantly arising. The release of version 4.3 marks an important step towards a number of significant developments that will be announced in the near future.

In order to support improvements in the look-and-feel of Safe4 on mobile devices, the Files and Folders page of the system has been recreated, using different icons that are more suitable for the high-resolution screens on most of today’s mobile devices. This has presented an opportunity to restructure the page to offer significantly improved performance in all user interfaces. While the changes have not yet added any major functional enhancements, they have permitted some useability improvements such as remembering the sort sequence of columns in the files pane and making file history updates more personal to the user.

In the coming weeks using Safe4 on mobile devices will be greatly improved, so that the service will be easier to access for users who are on the move. Other new facilities will become available at regular intervals as we move into 2016.

As ever, if you would like any more information on these changes or any other aspect of the Safe4 service, please get in touch with us.