Safe4 has been registered as a G-Cloud supplier

A new round of updates to the UK Government’s G-Cloud Digital Marketplace has been announced today, and Safe4 Information Management has been successfully registered as a G-Cloud supplier. This will allow public sector organisations in the UK to purchase Safe4 through G-Cloud without having to go through the OJEU (Official Journal of the European Union) process.

New opportunities as a G-Cloud Supplier

Safe4 has been supplying its highly secure information delivery and storage service to public sector organisations in the UK for some years. Registration as a G-Cloud Supplier will enable further public sector opportunities to be pursued with a simpler purchasing process, thus reducing the delay and cost of procurement. The relevant page within the G-Cloud supplier list can be viewed here.

There are many potential applications for Safe4 in the public sector. Both local and central government organisations manage and share large volumes of information about citizens, much of which is shared between departments or with the individuals themselves. Safe4 provides a highly secure and robust way of supporting a wide range of public services. Hosting of all data in the UK in ISO 27001 accredited data centres helps to reduce risk, as does the fact that all Safe4 operations are conducted under English Law.

Unique Architecture

The architecture of Safe4 allows individual citizens to receive information from multiple providers through a single login, thus permitting the concept of the “single view of the citizen” to be achieved. Making use of the mature and robust Safe4 Application Programming Interface will enable the capabilities of Safe4 to be embedded seamlessly into other business applications. Many individuals prefer to interact with providers on mobile devices – Safe4 is ideally suited to information being provided and consumed in this way.

For more information on how Safe4 can enhance the information delivery of private and public sector organisations, please contact us.