Safe4 version 4.5 is released

Safe4 has been evolving steadily since launch in 2010, and the latest release is delivering some valuable enhancements.  As well as a series of underlying improvements to performance and security, some specific changes in functionality are included in this version:

  • The maximum number of failed login attempts has been set at 5, after which the user will be locked out and will have to restart their browser. This will help to counter any brute-force attacks that may be directed towards the system.
  • New look-and-feel on many of the pages in the provider administration functions. The pages that have been upgraded are now “responsive”, and will alter the layout according to the orientation of the device being used, and the size of the display window.
  • The user invitation process has been extended, with an unlimited number of invitations in a single page. The allocation of security groups to users has also been made simpler.
  • After successful registration of their account, new users will receive an email, branded with the provider details, advising of the correct URL to access the system in future with full provider branding.
  • Email signatures can be set at provider level, rather than relying on individuals to update their own account. Provider-level signatures can be overridden by individual users if they wish.
  • Email signatures can include the name and logo of the organisation, positioned in the footer of outgoing emails according to preference.
  • Branding screens have been improved, so that the process of entering welcome text for login pages and disclaimers for email invitations is simpler.
  • Newly-invited users will automatically be assigned the same time zone as the inviting user. This will help with the increasing adoption of Safe4 by organisations in different time zones.
  • A blacklist option for unwanted file types has been included at both provider and vault level, to complement the existing whitelist facility.
  • When a vault is copied with the users who have registered for that vault, the permission groups that have been applied to the user will be copied across to the new vault.
  • The File Index facility now shows when a file was last accessed any by whom, and as before can be downloaded in CSV format for further analysis and reporting.
  • The user count on the provider home page shows the number of active users and the number of pending invitations in each vault.

As always, we at Safe4 are listening to customer feedback. All of the changes listed above are the result of functionality requests from customers, and this approach will continue to drive the activities of the Safe4 development team.

For any further information on Safe4 and how it might be able to assist your organisation, please get in touch with us.