Safe4 launches version 2 of their unique secure document delivery solution

Safe4 are very excited to announce the immediate availability of Version 2 of their unique solution to support professionals communicating documents to their clients with complete security.

There have been some new developments to the Safe4 Secure Vault service, with specific enhancements to the administration of the system.  It is now possible for Safe4 provider users to exercise greater control over the way in which both your own users and your clients’ users are managed.  These are described in detail in the latest Safe4 Administration Manual, which can be accessed by clicking here.

Your clients’ users will receive a separate email directing them to a different Release Blog.  For your information, this can be accessed by clicking here.

The key changes to the system for providers are:

  • Incorporation of a Personal Identification Number (PIN) into the user login process. This provides an extra level of security and is optional. It is applied by the provider system administrator on a client-by-client basis.
  • Changes to the way in which Safe4 groups are managed.  More detailed definition of user capabilities has been provided, so that users can be granted more specific access rights and restrictions.
  • The ability to assign groups to provider users as well as client users.
  • Enhanced control over users.  Certain administration rights can now be added to each provider user’s profile, allowing some aspects of system administration to be delegated.
  • The ability for provider users to receive email notification when new files are added to a Safe4 vault, whether by a provider or client user.
  • The ability for provider users to opt out of the receipt of email notifications for new files.

Client users will also see some substantial benefits from new features that make it easier for them to access documents.

  • Your Safe4 provider may now require the use of a Personal Identification Number (PIN) which will need to be used when you login to the system. This is to add extra security to the Vault.
  • The section of the Safe4 File and Folders page that shows the list of files contained within a folder has changed.  You now have the ability to select files for specific actions, dependent upon the rights of access you have been granted.
  • Some of the functions on the Safe4 screen displaying the files contained within a folder have changed, and some buttons have been repositioned.