Uploading Documents
If you have been granted permission to upload documents into the Safe4 vault, an orange “Upload” button will be shown at the top right of the files pane:
The “User Report” button that appears alongside the Upload button will give provider users a rapid view of the users whose permission and access rights allow them to see the contents of the selected folder.
The folder which is to contain the file should be selected before the upload button is clicked, as shown in the example above. The uploaded file(s) will be placed into the “Legal” folder.
After clicking the “Upload” button, you will be prompted to select the file(s) for upload:
The files can be selected from multiple browse locations on the PC or network that is being used for the Safe4 session, but all of the chosen files will be placed into the same folder in Safe4.
If you prefer, rather than browsing through the Windows folders on your computer or network, you can drag the files you wish to upload directly into the Upload dialog box shown above. Please note that this facility is not supported by all web browsers.
The selected files are listed and shown as “Pending”, as illustrated above. When the upload button at the bottom is clicked, the files will be uploaded in the sequence in which they are listed. The progress of the upload will be shown in the bar to the right of each file as it is uploaded.
The comment facility is useful if a narrative is required to explain a new version of a file, for example. Comments will be shown when hovering over the filename in the Safe4 files window after upload:
The file upload function offers the option of sending an email notification to users. The users to be notified can be chosen before the file is uploaded, in the event that it is not appropriate to send notification emails to all of the users who have access to the folder. The Notify Users tab shown above will display the list of users who are eligible to receive an upload notification:
The provider administrator will have chosen whether to make the sending of email notifications of file uploads a default setting, but this can be over-ridden for each individual upload operation.
In the event that a filename contains a reference to a confidential subject, or the name of an individual person in such a way that data privacy laws may be broken if it is sent in an open email, the filename can be hidden from the email notification by ticking the box as shown below:
Version History of Files
Safe4 allows a user or different users to upload more than one copy of the same file, with the same name. This is a useful feature when several, or many, iterations are made of the same file as it progresses through a life-cycle from the initial draft through amendments until it becomes finalised. Usefully, users do not need to try and enforce their own version history with a combination of letters and dates as part of the file name: eg “Directors Meeting Minutes 23-12-11 v2.3 Mary 29-12-11”; as Safe4 handles the Versioning in the background.
Users upload documents and files just as normal. Safe4 treats the most recently uploaded file of that identical name as the current version, and sequentially older ones as previous versions. The presence of earlier versions of files is indicated by an icon to the right of the filename in the right-hand pane:
When the icon is clicked, the previous versions are shown:
Earlier versions of the file may be viewed by clicking on the filename, as normal. The green icon to the right of the most recent previous version allows that version to be restored as the current version again. If this is clicked, the most recently-uploaded version will be discarded. Depending on the level of access you have been granted, this function may not be available to you.
The dustbin icon shown at the far right of the previous versions box allows the chosen version, and all earlier versions, to be deleted. This should be used with care, as the deleted earlier versions will not be recoverable:
Moving Files Between Folders
Just as in Windows Explorer, files held in Safe4 can be moved between folders by dragging and dropping them. For single files, this can be done by clicking and holding the filename (please note that a single click-and-release will cause the file to open). It can then be dragged to another folder. When the destination folder changes colour, the file should be released. A warning message will be displayed. Moving files between folders is permission-controlled; your provider may in some instances have disabled this facility.
Multiple files can be moved by selecting them using the check-box to the left of the filename. As described above, a click-and-hold action will allow all of the chosen files to be moved to another folder.