Logging In and Out

When accessing the Safe4 system, enter the following URL into your web browser:


This will bring up the standard login screen:

3.3.01Please note that your provider may have given you an alternative URL, which contains the branding specific to that organisation. This will bring up the same screen, but with different branding:

3.3.02As indicated in the screens shown above, by logging in and accessing Safe4, you accept the Safe4 terms and conditions and privacy policy, and agree to the use of cookies. Further details are available by clicking on:



Safe4 supports all of the major browsers available from Microsoft, Mozilla, Google and Apple. However, each has slightly different characteristics. After responding to the invitation to join the system, the URL shown on the previous page should be saved as a Bookmark or Favourite in the browser. The link in the original email invitation cannot be used to access Safe4 after the initial acceptance.

Your username must be unique and contain at least 8 characters; it is important to remember it as it is never displayed within Safe4 for security reasons. If your username is forgotten, it can be recovered by emailing [email protected]. Most browsers will allow the username and password to be saved; this should only be done if the computer being used to access Safe4 is always under the total control of the authorised user. For subsequent logins, the username is not case sensitive.

Password:  The Safe4 password must contain between 10 and 150 characters, and can include any combination of alpha and numeric characters and symbols. Passwords are case sensitive. You are required to choose a password or phrase that contains a combination of upper and lower case alpha characters, as well as numeric digits and special characters such as punctuation marks. Following the advice of the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre, we recommend using a longer pass-phrase that may be a favourite saying, or a line from a poem or song. Such phrases are much more difficult for unauthorised parties to crack, and are easier to remember.

If you have forgotten your password, the “Forgot your Password?” link on the login page can be used. The system will send you a temporary password, and will prompt you to set up a new permanent password when you login.

If an incorrect password is entered more than 5 times, you will be locked out of the system and will have to restart your browser before you can attempt to login again. If you are unsure of your password, it will be safest to request a new one from the system.

2-Factor Authentication (2FA): The process for enabling 2FA on your user account is described in detail on a separate help page, click here to view this page.

Logging Out: The menu offered by clicking on the username at the top right of the screen also provides the option to log out of Safe4.


This will end your user session and return you to the login screen.