My Account
If you wish to change the information that is held in Safe4 about your user account, select the drop-down menu below your username at the top right of the screen:
If 2FA has been set on your user account, you will be prompted to enter a text code sent to your mobile device when you access your My Account functions. When My Account is selected, the following screen will be displayed:
First Name, Last Name and Email Address are the only mandatory fields. If any information relating to a user account is changed, a message will be sent by Safe4 to the designated email address notifying you of the change. If the email address is changed, a message of warning will be sent to both the old and new email addresses.
Change Password
The password can be changed by selecting the button on the page shown above. This will display the following screen:
After confirming the new password and clicking “OK”, the password will be changed and an email sent to you confirming this.
2-Factor Authentication
2-Factor Authentication is described in a separate section of this guide. Click here for further details.
Email Notifications
Each user has the option to elect not to receive email notifications of file uploads. This can be done by selecting True or False on the “My Account” page:
The administrator of the provider account has the option to over-ride this setting by “forcing” the system to send email notifications.
Safe4 has a comprehensive Restful Application Programming Interface that allows all of the Safe4 functions to be called and activated programmatically from other applications. Safe4 can thus be fully integrated with other systems.
Use of the Safe4 API Key will only be required when the process of programmatic integration is being carried out.
Email Signature
It is possible for emails that Safe4 sends on behalf of a user to be personalised to reflect the identity of each user. This can be done by placing a string of HTML inside the box in the “Edit Account” screen.
The string that is required can be entered as normal text by simply typing into the box. The format that should be used is:
If you wish, this text can be edited by removing any of the lines shown above. For example, if you do not wish your mobile phone number to appear in the email signature, remove the line “<strong>M:</strong> {mobilePhone}”, and the number will not appear in your signature.
The text which is shown in this screenshot can be copied and pasted into the box in the Safe4 page:
<strong>E:</strong> {emailAddress}
<strong>O:</strong> {workPhone}
<strong>M:</strong> {mobilePhone}
<strong>W:</strong><a ></a>
At the end of each line, enter the normal carriage return (enter) key. Blank lines can also be entered using the carriage return key.
If a specific line is not required, the appropriate line can be removed.
When all of the required changes to the account have been made, click “Update Account” to confirm the changes.
Setting International Time Zones
It is possible to alter the time zone in which you are located, as well as selecting the date and time formats that you prefer. At the bottom of the My Account page, there are several fields into which your preferences can be entered:
Using the drop-down menus, the required selections can be made.
Please note: This option alters the display settings only. All actions that Safe4 records in the audit trail are held with the Greenwich Mean Time zone setting, or UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
When all of the required changes to the account have been made, click “Update Account” to confirm the changes.