Deleting Providers

One of the key components of the Safe4 architecture is the provider account. This is where all of the system administration functions are carried out, and where the creation and control of vaults takes place. Removal of a provider is thus a significant step, with potentially serious consequences if carried out in error or without appropriate authority. For this reason the ability to delete providers is only granted to designated system administrators who have been formally appointed by the organisation responsible for managing the service. Permission to perform the tasks described here can only be given by the Safe4 account management team.

GDPR Requirements

One of the stipulations of GDPR is that it must be possible to remove data completely from any system in which reference is made to living individuals. It will be necessary, therefore, for this step to be taken under certain circumstances.

For an authorised administrator the ability to delete providers is made available through a specific button on the provider home page:

Many Safe4 customers operate multiple providers, in order for specific branding and nomenclature to be used to reflect the particular business activity in question. For this reason it may become appropriate for a provider to be deleted when that particular activity ceases, or when the content within the account is no longer required.

If the Delete Provider button is clicked, a warning message will be displayed:

If the OK button is clicked, a second warning message will be displayed:

Deleting a provider will permanently remove all of the content inside it. As the message above indicates, this will include vaults, folders, files, asset register records and users. Both provider and vault users will be removed. Since this action is irrevocable and the deleted data cannot be recovered, it should be undertaken with extreme caution.