
This technology has been tested extensively by Safe4 and is safe to download and use, and is free. You may be asked to make a voluntary donation, but this is not required.

Cyberduck requires a small application to be downloaded to your computer. To download it, go to: Click the Download button, and then the Download for Windows button. When the download and installation is finished, start Cyberduck. This screen will be presented:

Click the Open Connection button at the top left:

Note that the fields requiring completion are:

  • Select WebDAV (HTTPS) from the drop-down box at the top of the screen
  • Enter into the server box
  • Enter your Safe4 username and password into the appropriate boxes
  • Enter dfa into the Path box

Click Connect. The Safe4 provider accounts that this user has access to will be presented as folders:

Opening the Alpha and Omega Partners LLP provider account will show the folder structure that has been represented throughout these guides. Folders, sub-folders and files will be shown:

Using this interface it is possible to drag and drop folders and files directly into the destination location from MS Windows. This action will invoke all of the standard Safe4 upload and access controls, including updating the audit trails and file versioning.  If a user does not have access to a folder in the standard Safe4 web interface, that folder and its contents will also not be visible when using Cyberduck. The opposite action can also be performed, to download files from Safe4 to Windows folders by dragging and dropping.

One key advantage of Cyberduck is that it allows complete folder structures, including sub-folders and files, to be loaded into Safe4 at one time.

A drawback to using Cyberduck is that it will cause Safe4 to send an upload notification for every file uploaded. If an upload involves large numbers of files, this will trigger the same number of upload notification emails. This can be avoided by unticking the box in the provider configuration so that upload notification emails are not sent by default. This can then be reversed for normal uploads using the Safe4 web interface, which will only send a single email to each user notifying the upload of multiple files.