Safe4 Asset Register: Working with Standard Folders and Permissions

The Safe4 Asset Register has been designed to operate in an identical fashion to the folders and permissions that are used to manage document files. File and asset folders can be combined in the same hierarchy, and both types of folder can have either file or asset folders as subfolders.

In this example, a standard folder called Bank Statements has been created as a subfolder of the Bank Details asset folder. Logically, some types of document-based information will relate closely to details recorded in asset folders, and this link can be maintained by appropriate positioning of folders in the structure.

Permissions on Asset Folders

The standard Safe4 permissions capability can be applied to asset folders in exactly the same way as standard file folders. In the example above, this is represented by the padlock icon to the right of the folder name, irrespective of the type of folder.

Permissions are inherited from the parent folder, again irrespective of the folder type.

Editing Folder Permissions

With the relevant folder selected, click the Edit Folder icon at the top of the folder list:

This will display the Edit Folder Details dialog box showing the folder name, which can be changed if necessary. Note that the Type box is greyed out – once a folder has been allocated a type, it cannot be changed.

As shown above, the Permissions tab can be clicked. This will display the list of groups that have been created in this provider account. This follows the same process as described in earlier sections of these guides.

The chosen group can be allocated to existing subfolders if appropriate, by ticking the box at the bottom of the list.

Column Sorting

The display sequence of the contents of Asset Record fields can be chosen by clicking the heading, and clicking again to reverse the sequence. In exactly the same way as for sorting lists of documents, Safe4 will remember the user’s preferred display sequence when the system is accessed subsequently.