Safe4 Asset Register: Creating and Defining Asset Types
Having enabled the Manage Entities permission for the user/s who are to be responsible for setting up asset types and attributes, it is generally worthwhile to spend a little time creating an outline design of the way in which information is to be managed. It is possible to build extensive hierarchical structures in the Safe4 Asset Register, but for the sake of simplicity a very straightforward approach is taken in this guide. As referenced in the previous section, this guide will concentrate on the assets of an individual person, with a very basic hierarchy embedded within the normal Safe4 folder structure.
Creating Asset Types
To create the first asset type, click on the Types option in the left-hand panel on the provider home screen and then click Add Type:
This will bring up the Add Type dialog box.
Name: In this example the type has been called Assets. This is used for display purposes, and can include a normal range of alpha and numeric characters and spaces.
Internal Name: This is the name that will be used by the Safe4 Application Programming Interface. This field will be completed automatically by Safe4, and does not need any entry to be made here.
Status: Tick the Active box to ensure that this type can be used in the subsequent creation of asset records.
If a hierarchical structure is to be built, as these examples will illustrate, it is not necessary for the top-level asset type to be allocated any attributes, or indeed the intermediate-level types. These can be used as master folders or place-holders for the other intermediate types and asset records that will be located within the structure.
In the design exercise referred to above, let us assume that this individual asset register will be set up to contain one high-level asset type called Assets, as illustrated above, and two intermediate subclasses called Financial and Devices. The actual asset records will be placed into folders to be located within these intermediate levels. After adding the intermediate levels, the list of types will show the 3 that have been defined so far:
In this instance the design has determined that a further level of asset type will be needed, into which the actual asset records themselves will be placed. The additional types that are to be added will be Bank and Mortgage in the Financial subclass, and Smartphone and Computer in the Devices subclass. The complete list now shows:
With the list of assets complete, the Attributes required to describe these assets can now be defined.