Safe4 Asset Register: Constructing the Asset Hierarchy

Now that asset types have been defined and associated with their attributes, the actual structure in which the asset folders can be created and records added can be set up.

The first step is to select the point in the Safe4 folder structure where the assets will be shown. Since this asset list will contain records that relate to financial information, it will be placed into  the Financial folder in the standard Safe4 folder structure. To create the new asset list, the Add Folder icon at the top of the folder list should be clicked:

When this icon is clicked, a New Folder dialog box will open, in which the folder can be given a name and a Type selected. When the drop-down box below is clicked, a list of all of the types created so far will be shown. As this is to be the top level in the asset breakdown, it will be associated with the type Assets and will therefore not have any attributes associated with it:

After clicking OK, the new folder will be placed into the standard Safe4 folder structure:

The new folder is represented by a different icon resembling a list, to show that it does not contain files.

The next step is to set up the intermediate level of asset type, which included both the Financial and Devices classes. Click on the newly-added Asset Register folder and then the New Folder icon at the top of the folder list:

The folder has been named Financial, and the type Financial has been selected. When this has been done for the Devices type as well, the structure will be updated accordingly:

It is now possible to add the final level. By selecting the Financial folder and clicking the New Folder icon, the types Bank and Mortgage can be added, and the process repeated for the Devices folder and the Computer and Smartphone types.

This will update the display to show:

Note that with the Computer folder selected there are a series of column headings in the right-hand pane of the screen. This is where new asset information can be added, and where previously-entered asset details are shown.

Throughout the process of adding these folders into the structure, the Permissions tab is shown when the New Folder dialog box is displayed. Security groups can be selected at this point, but since asset folders are covered by the standard Safe4 groups, they have inherited the group of the parent folder into which the top-level asset folder was placed. The Safe4 Edit Folder process can be followed as normal to modify the permissions for each folder in the structure, and thus allow users to add new records, as well as to rename, delete and remove records according to the requirements of the business process. Similarly, asset folders can be made invisible to users by allocating a group that the users are not a member of.

When the folders have been added and permission settings determined, the system is ready for asset records to be added.