The Safe4 Asset Register: Attribute Definitions

The process of associating Types and Attributes in the previous section referred to the ability to select different options for Attributes, to allow the system to provide more controlled entry of data into the fields when they are being accessed by users. This will also allow greater flexibility in typical end-user applications.

There are 7 different attribute types offered:

  • Date
  • Drop-Down
  • Encrypted
  • Number
  • Phone Number
  • Text
  • Yes / No

These are explained in greater detail:

Date Attribute Type

When this option has been selected, the system will prompt the input of a date by displaying a calendar, from which past or future dates can be selected. The calendar will default to the date on which the input is being made:

Drop-Down Attribute Type

When this option is chosen it will restrict the range of possible entries that can be made in the field in question. It also simplifies data entry, as it removes the need to type the information that will be placed into the field. Users will be presented with the specified choices:

This option was defined in the Attribute set up process, by using the Extra field in the Edit Attribute window:

The items for selection should be followed by a comma and a space, as shown in the illustration above. They will be displayed when the specified field is clicked on during either the record entry or editing process.

Encrypted Attribute Type

This Attribute type is intended to address the requirement for confidential information to be displayed only to users with specific permissions. If passwords are entered using this field type, they can optionally be displayed by authorised users in clear text, and to other users as a series of asterisks.

Number Attribute Type

Data entered into this field does not have to be in completely Numeric format, since Alpha characters are also permitted. However it is intended for use in situations when the primary requirement is to capture Numeric information such as bank account numbers.

Data entered into this field can be further restricted by the use of the Regular Expression option. This facility requires a specific structure involving the use of some simple software code, and it is therefore recommended that Safe4 be consulted before using the Regular Expression function. It is also possible for a user-defined error message to be generated when incorrectly formatted data is entered into fields of this type.

Phone Number Attribute Type

End-users of the Asset Register facility will frequently be accessing the system on a smartphone, and when this option has been selected the resulting data can be tapped and the smartphone will dial the specified number. In order for this function to operate correctly the entry must be made in correct telephone number format, and must be a valid telephone number. The use of characters such as + to prefix international dial codes is permitted, as are hyphens and spaces.

Text Attribute Type

As for Numbers described above, this option is intended for use in fields that require an entry predominantly in Alpha format, such as names, addresses, and text boxes. Numeric characters can also be used in fields of this type.

Data entered into this field can be further restricted by the use of the Regular Expression option. This facility requires a specific structure involving the use of some simple software code, and it is therefore recommended that Safe4 be consulted before using the Regular Expression function. It is also possible for a user-defined error message to be generated when incorrectly formatted data is entered into fields of this type.

Yes / No Attribute Type

This option provides a check-box facility, which can be ticked when required to confirm that a particular status has been reached, or some action performed. Typically this will be used to confirm that a piece of information has been signed off, or approved. In the example below it is used to indicate that a risk has been entered into the Risk Register in a project that requires this type of information.

The Yes or No options are entered when the record is being created or edited:

If the No option is chosen or if both boxes are left blank, the checkbox will be shown as empty. If Yes is selected, the box will be shown as having been ticked.