Safe4 Asset Register: Basic Concepts and Permissions

The term “asset” is normally associated with physical or financial items that are deemed to have value, and which collectively determine the underlying worth of an individual, business or organisation of any type. However, in the context of Safe4, an asset can be any component within an information structure that can be identified by descriptors that are called attributes in Safe4, and indeed in many other data management tools. One of the examples used in this guide relates to a bank account (the asset), which is identified by the commonly-understood identifiers of bank name, account holder, account number and sort code (the attributes).

Safe4 allows an unlimited number of asset types to be defined, and held in hierarchical structures that are often referred to as classes and subclasses. This concept will be illustrated in the following sections of this guide.

Defining and setting up assets and attributes is available to provider users in Safe4 who have had the Enable Entities permission granted to them. Whilst access to this structured information in Safe4 is available to any user who is a member of an appropriate security group, the setting up of such information is restricted to provider users. More detail on allocating security groups to asset folders is provided in later sections of the guide.

To enable a specific user to create and administer assets and attributes, the Manage Entities box should be ticked in the Edit User screen:

Once this has been done, Types and Attributes will appear in the Provider Options box in the left hand panel of the provider home screen:

The user concerned will now be able to proceed with the definition of asset classes and attributes. In this guide the terms “class” and “type” are interchangeable.