Safe4 Asset Register: Adding and Maintaining Asset Records

Whilst traditionally Safe4 has been an excellent way to manage document files extremely securely, the Asset Register enhances this capability by adding a facility for inputting information directly into the system without having to upload a file.

The earlier pages in this section of the guide have described the process of defining and creating the structures that will allow the addition and maintenance of information in asset folders. The attributes that have been created relate directly to information fields, into which data can be entered directly by users with appropriate permissions. Such entries can be made using any device that provides access to the internet – computers, tablets or smartphones. Even smart televisions can offer this facility.

In the example below, the user has already created 2 bank account records and wishes to add a third:

As for folders containing files, the records shown can be edited or deleted by using the icons under the Commands column to the right of the records. A new record can be added by clicking on the New Bank button, shown above. This will display a screen which allows the creation of a new record:

Note that the fields displayed correspond to the attributes that have been created earlier. The asterisk next to the field name indicates that it is mandatory to enter data into this field.

Email Notification to Users

Note that there is a “Notify Users tab”. Users can be chosen from the list shown to receive an email notifying them of this activity. As for normal Safe4 upload notification emails, this will contain a link that will allow the recipient to view the newly-created record, after providing their login details.

After the OK button has been clicked to create the new record, the list will be updated to reflect the addition of the new bank account:

In the Mortgage section of the asset structure, one of the attributes that was added was a Completion Date. When this is displayed as an entry field it will require the input of a valid date in the format dd/mm/yyyy, as shown:

This screenshot was taken using the Chrome browser. Other browsers may display date fields differently.

Editing Asset Records

In order to change the information that has been entered into any of the fields in an asset record, the standard Safe4 edit icon at the right of the page can be used, or alternatively the record itself can be clicked to display the Edit window:

After making the required change, the OK button can be clicked to update the record. This will also trigger an email notifying authorised users of the change if required. The previous version of the record will be retained, and can be viewed by using the circular icon in the same way as previous versions of documents.