Safe4 Mobile: Uploading Files
Files can be uploaded into a Safe4 folder directly from the mobile device. This facility has been designed to upload photographs, since Apple devices have no generic native storage capabilities, other than that used by apps. Photographs can of course be of documents, but in most cases the likeliest use will be photographic records that are needed for evidential purposes for activities such as building surveys.
Firstly, you should select the folder into which the photographs are to be uploaded. The normal Safe4 Upload button will be visible, based on the permission settings for the folder in question:
After clicking the Upload button, the browse screen will be displayed:
When the Browse button is clicked, you will be offered the option of either taking a photo or using the photo library:
Taking a photo will allow one file at a time to be uploaded. If more than one file is to be uploaded from the library, the contents of the camera roll, or other containers on the phone, can be displayed:
Photos can selected from this display by tapping them. Up to 100 files at a time can be uploaded in this way. After tapping, the selected photos will be shown with a tick:
The files to be uploaded will be listed in the same way as when using the web interface:
After clicking OK, the files will be uploaded in sequence:
When the upload has finished, the files can be viewed in any of the Safe4 interfaces in the normal way. Standard Safe4 audit trail records will be maintained of all actions. The uploaded files will all be named using the photo number assigned by the camera, but can be easily renamed in Safe4.