Mobile Access to Safe4

The ability to access Safe4 whilst travelling, or simply whilst away from a computer, can be very valuable. It allows fast and secure access to the information that is stored within all of the Safe4 accounts that you have access to.

This section of the Safe4 Guides describes the use of Safe4 from tablets and smartphones, and is broken down into a number of sections:

Whilst different devices from different manufacturers are based on a very similar approach, this guide focuses on access from Apple devices. Because the interface when using an iPad is very similar to the experience from a computer, emphasis is given to the use of iPhones, which have much smaller screens and thus present different display requirements.

Using Safe4 from Android devices will be almost identical. The screenshots and illustrations in this guide are all representative of using Safe4 on an iPhone.

The Safe4 mobile interfaces do not use an App, but make use of a browser. Safari and Chrome will give almost identical experiences, but the illustrations in this guide have been taken using the Apple Safari browser.