Creation of New Provider Accounts
Creation of provider accounts can be performed by authorised System Administrators. The provider home page displays a Create Provider button:
When this button is clicked, the following screen will appear:
At this point the provider account can be created by clicking the OK button. The new provider will be completely empty and unconfigured. Additional settings can be applied at this creation stage in all of the tabs in this dialog box, in exactly the same way as they are dealt with in normal provider setup. This is described in detail in the standard Administration Guide.
The detailed configuration of the new provider can be done at this stage if appropriate. However, the branding, addition of security groups and invitation of users will need to be done as a separate exercise, either by inviting users in the normal way, or by using the Global User Management function described in a later section of the Safe4 Guides.
Once the desired settings have been applied, the process of creating new vaults can proceed as normal, and vault user invitations issued as required.