Managing Branding
The administrator of the Safe4 system for a provider account will have the ability to manage some elements of the way in which the system is branded and presented to users.
The Branding option can be selected from the provider home screen:
When this option has been selected, the following screen will be displayed:
The system can be branded with the provider’s desired messaging and logo. The following options are available:
Welcome Text: When a provider or client user logs in, they can be presented with a textual message of the provider’s choice. This will appear on a login screen that has been displayed when a URL suffixed with the provider account number is used to access Safe4. This can be done by using the following URL string:
The number at the end of this string identifies the provider, and can be established by hovering over the provider logo on the user’s home page when multiple provider accounts are available, or by referring to the number displayed in the URL line of the browser after logging in:
The text highlighted below will be shown on the login screen for the provider:
If these examples are applied, the user will be presented with a branded login page:
Email Invitation Disclaimer: Text entered into the box shown below will appear on all invitation emails issued to provider and client vault users:
Site Logo: A logo can be uploaded to Safe4, and will be displayed in the top left hand corner of all of the principal user interface pages:
When capturing or creating the logo, the resultant file must be in .JPG or .PNG format, and must not exceed 250 px by 85 px.
Select the logo image by browsing your local or network drives using the Choose File button, and when the desired file is selected click the OK button. The chosen logo will appear on the current page, and on all other pages accessible by users.
When the appropriate entries on the Edit Branding page have been completed, click the OK button at the bottom of the page.
Email Signature: This works as a setting for a provider account in a similar way to that described in the My Account section in the User Guide. Emails generated by a user, either by uploading information or issuing a user invitation, will carry a signature determined by the content of the Email Signature box in the branding settings:
If you wish, this text can be edited by removing any of the lines shown above. For example, if you do not wish the user’s mobile phone number to appear in the email signature, remove the line “<strong>M:</strong> {mobilePhone}”, and the number will not appear in the signature.
The text which is shown in this screenshot can be copied and pasted into the box in the Safe4 page:
<strong>E:</strong> {emailAddress}
<strong>O:</strong> {workPhone}
<strong>M:</strong> {mobilePhone}
<strong>W:</strong><a ></a>
At the end of each line, enter the normal carriage return (enter) key. Blank lines can also be entered using the carriage return key.
If a specific line is not required, the appropriate line can be removed.
When all of the required changes to the account have been made, click “OK” to confirm the changes.
Please note: The settings contained in this branding box will be over-ridden by an individual’s preferences if they have been entered into their My Account settings. If the individual user has not made any selection, the settings for the provider account will be applied to all emails generated by their Safe4 activity.