Group Management
One of the fundamental principles behind the design of Safe4 is the ability to create security groups. This is the first step in establishing an access control and permissions capability for the Safe4 system. Having an understanding of the core business processes within your organisation will be of great assistance in this aspect of the administration of the system, as will a clear view of how provider and client users will interact with Safe4 and the information which it contains.
Selecting the Groups button from the provider account home screen will display the following view:
This screen shows all of the groups that have been set up for the provider account. From this screen it is possible to Add, Edit and Delete groups.
Creating a New Group
From the Groups Management screen, select the Add Group button at the top of the screen. The New Group screen will appear:
This screen offers a series of options:
- Group Name: Enter a brief name that will describe the purpose of the group;
- Group Description: You may enter more details of the purpose of the group. This may be of assistance later, if a large number of groups have been added;
- Can Upload Item: Ticking the box will enable members of this group to add new files and data records to the Safe4 system;
- Can Rename Item: Ticking the box will enable members of this group to rename files and data records already stored within the Safe4 system;
- Can Delete Item: Ticking the box will enable members of this group to delete files and data records from the Safe4 system;
- Can Move Item: Ticking the box will enable members of this group to move files and data records from one folder to another by dragging and dropping them;
- Can Add Folder: Ticking the box will enable members of this group to add new folders to the Safe4 system;
- Can Rename Folder: Ticking the box will enable members of this group to rename folders already stored within the Safe4 system;
- Can Delete Folder: Ticking the box will enable members of this group to delete folders from the Safe4 system. Folder deletion from the system is permanent, so this facility should be granted and used with care;
- Can Move Folder: Ticking the box will enable members of this group to move sub-folders from one parent folder to another by dragging and dropping them.
Assignment of users: This screen also permits the assignment of users to the group from the tabs at the top of the dialog box. This is the point at which you determine which users can add, delete, and rename files. This capability should therefore be exercised with care, although it is possible for any errors to be corrected by using the Edit Group function. Provider users are allocated by selecting the tab on the New Group screen, and by checking the box to the left of their name; vault users are selected from the appropriate tab, and then from the drop-down list that appears under each vault. Please refer to the User Management section for more information on users.
When all of the necessary information has been added to the New Group screen, click the OK button at the bottom of the screen, or Cancel if you do not wish to proceed.
Editing Groups
In the event that it is necessary to change the definition or behaviour of a group, select that group from the Group Management screen by clicking on its name. In this example the Admin Services Team group is being edited:
It is possible at this point to change any of the settings, to increase or decrease the level of control. When the editing process is complete click OK to save the changes, or Cancel if you do not wish the changes to be saved.
Deleting Groups
Should it be necessary to delete a group, select the group to be deleted by clicking the red cross to the right of the group name on the Group Management screen:
The selected group will be removed from the Group Management screen. There may be unintended consequences of deleting a group, in that users who were previously unable to see certain information may now be granted access by removal of the group that denied access. The following warning screen will be displayed: