Safe4 achieves Cyber Essentials accreditation and recognition against the IASME standard

IASME selfcert badge

In March 2016, Safe4 Information Management achieved further recognition for its safe and secure delivery and storage of customers’ documents. By achieving certification to the IASME governance standard, recognised by the UK Government as the best cyber security standard for small companies, Safe4 demonstrated continuing capability to provide a secure and trusted environment for customers and their clients to manage documents online.

At the same time, Safe4 successfully renewed its government Cyber Essentials accreditation and, with its continuing use of UK based ISO 27001 accredited data centres, is compliant with UK Government requirements for online document management and with the requirements of regulatory bodies in the professions.

The IASME (Information Assurance for Small and Medium Enterprises) standard links with international ISO/IEC 27001 standards and represents best practice for SMEs in this sphere.  It is derived from UK Government guidance, international standards, as well as best practice from the EU, USA, and significant engagement with a wide variety of SMEs and other sources.

Safe4 is committed to maintaining the highest levels of security in the management of all customer data, and plans to enhance the level of compliance with recognised standards during 2016. To find out more about the security measures Safe4 undertakes, and how this can benefit your business, please contact us.