Safe4 version 5.01 is released – more enhancements for the Asset Register

To maintain the continuous improvement policy of Safe4, further enhancements have today been released for the Asset Register in version 5.01. These include the ability to control the horizontal display sequence of fields when asset records are being added, as well as improved handling of dates to make the format consistent across all browsers. Management of lists of attribute definitions is also improved.

Version History

It is also now possible to view the version history of a record in the Asset Register, using exactly the same approach as that adopted for viewing previous versions of files. Thus if a record is changed, the system will retain the previous version and update the audit trail accordingly, maintaining the integrity of the data in each record.

The addition of the Asset Register capability to Safe4 introduces a completely new range of possibilities in the way that the system can be used. Further incremental enhancements will be added to Safe4 in the short term, as the range of data handling capabilities is increased. The ability to mix folders containing document files with a structured columnar display of data relating to the subject of those documents brings additional levels of functionality to the system, and increased clarity for users in many different application areas.

As was indicated when the Asset Register was announced in May, Safe4 will be publishing a series of use-case papers in the next few months highlighting the range of application possibilities now afforded by the system. For more information on how the enhanced capabilities of Safe4 can assist your business, please contact us.