Problems originated by email continue – often with costly and damaging consequences

The ransomware attack on Lincolnshire County Council last week has now been resolved, but once again the dangers that may lurk within email messages have been highlighted. When members of any organisation are accustomed to using email to transfer information that is critical or necessary for the business, the likelihood of inadvertently opening messages that contain harmful malware is increased. A county council will recover from the damage caused by such a problem; a small or medium sized business may not.

One of the sectors that is potentially exposed to such risks is the legal profession. It is estimated that more than 70% of UK law firms regularly communicate confidential client information in open email systems.

Safe4 offers a secure and reliable service for the transfer of confidential information to anyone with access to the Internet. Flexible configuration options mean that it can be applied to a variety of business requirements. Contact us for more information on how we can help your organisation to reduce costs, improve compliance and enhance customer service.