Password strength checker improvements for Safe4

One of the challenges of enforcing strict rules about the strength of passwords is how to make them secure and still easily usable by people who perhaps utilise a system occasionally and often need rapid access to share or obtain important information.

Safe4 has now been updated to make it easier for users to select passwords in the first place, by listing each of the strength requirements and showing visually when these have been satisfied. Because Safe4 is used in many countries around the world and by speakers of many languages, it can be difficult to prevent users from choosing a password that is a common word in one language but not in another. Using sequential characters on a keyboard is also potentially an issue, as in several European countries different keyboard layouts are utilised. Beyond Europe, in countries where alphabets may also differ, keyboard layouts are often radically different from those familiar in Anglophone regions.

Keeping it simple without sacrificing security

Safe4 has become established as one of the most secure sites on the Internet, and consequently enforcing strict password requirements is essential given the presence of brute-force attack systems that can crack simple passwords very quickly. Whilst setting a strong password is the responsibility of each individual user, applying specific rules governing this, as well as limiting the number of unsuccessful login attempts within a single browser session, makes it easier to prevent unauthorised access to the system. The changes made by Safe4 will inform new users of the strength of their password as each character is chosen, and show any discrepancies visually.

Please contact us if you would like any further information on the security measures that are taken by Safe4 to protect the integrity of information that we hold, and the protection that this offers for our customers.