More good news for Safe4 customers – outstanding availability record

Safe4 has achieved outstanding availability in the last 7 months.  Since 1 October 2017 the highly secure information delivery and storage service has achieved 100% uptime, with not a single second lost through system outages of any kind. This represents a stark contrast with other cloud-based information management services, many of which report outages almost weekly. Availability of the Safe4 service is monitored independently, and reported on every month.

This outstanding availability record for Safe4 underlines the quality of service that is the basis of the way the system functions. During the period from 1 October 2017 to date, Safe4 has undergone 4 major upgrades, none of which interrupted access to the system. This process of enhancement included the changes associated with enabling Safe4 to support customers’ GDPR compliance programmes, many of which went deep into the core of the software.

Safe4 delivers value

An exceptional level of availability is just one of the significant benefits that Safe4 offers. Safe4 has been independently assessed among the most secure 0.8% of sites on the internet, out of millions tested. Other benefits include automated upload notifications, comprehensive audit trails and reporting facilities, and UK hosting in ISO 27001-accredited data centres. Extensive customer branding and white labeling, granular permission and content controls as well as a unique and flexible architecture allow Safe4 customers to derive a wide range of financial and operational benefits.

Maintaining a strong commitment to a high quality of customer service is one of the key objectives of Safe4, together with providing class-leading levels of security. For more information on how Safe4 can provide benefits for your business, please get in touch with us. We will be delighted to assist you.