New document from the ICO confirms the need to keep browsers updated

Recent well-publicised issues regarding security threats to Internet users have highlighted the problems that arise through the use of out-of-date operating systems and web browsers when accessing Internet-based services.  Safe4 have rigorously applied all current security patches to our servers, and consequently we have avoided any of the risks caused by the Open SSL HeartBleed bug (see the other posts on this blog).

As a result some users of very old technology, typically Windows XP and early versions of Internet Explorer, have been blocked from accessing Safe4.  This is because the older security protocols have been the cause of many of the current threats to secure web-based services.  As before, our advice to users is to upgrade their operating system and browser and apply all of the security patches supplied by Microsoft, or alternatively to use another browser such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

The UK Information Commissioner’s Office has now published further guidance on this issue, with specific reference to data protection.  Their document can be read by clicking here.

Safe4 will continue to apply all possible protection measures to safeguard our customers’ information, and will not maintain the use of outdated security protocols to permit access by unsupported browsers or operating systems.