Microsoft patches Internet Explorer Vulnerability

Following the announcement earlier this week that a vulnerability had been found in all versions of Internet Explorer (6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11), Microsoft has acted quickly to provide an update. All users of Internet Explorer are strongly encouraged to upgrade at the earliest opportunity.

The upgrade process is simple – just use the Update functionality built into Windows by clicking on “Check for updates” in Windows Update which can be accessed from your Control Panel.

Further details can be found on the Microsoft blog –

In an interesting move Microsoft has also issued an update for users of Windows XP – despite discontinuing support for XP at the beginning of April. Safe4 would however encourage you to upgrade as soon as practical to take advantage of the latest security features and to remain secure against future threats.

If upgrading from Windows XP is impractical for you at the moment, we recommend using a browser other than Internet Explorer, as mentioned in earlier blogs.  Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox are both viable alternatives.


Posted by Alistair Stubbs, Safe4 Information Management Technical Director