Downloading files
- Files can be opened for viewing; image files are viewed in a new browser tab, files with editable content such as MS Office documents will be opened using the mother application
- Multiple files can be downloaded in a single action, and placed in a ZIP file on the user’s computer
- When using the web interface, files held in Safe4 cannot be edited. To change the contents of a file, the file must be edited locally and uploaded as a new version
- Using the WebDAV interface, described below, editable files can be edited online, with the modified version being held by Safe4 as a new version
Familiar folder and file structure
- Folder structures can be created to reflect the provider’s business, and the nature of the information being stored
- Users can be granted the ability to create, move, rename and delete folders
- No limit on the number of folders, nor on the number of sub-folder levels
- The root folder can be renamed by the provider administrator
- Common Folders are visible to users of all of the vaults in a provider account. This allows certain types of document to be made available to a large population of users by a single upload action
- Vaults can be copied very rapidly; this function can carry across the complete folder structure, including permissions, to the new vault
User management
- Both provider and vault users are invited by email to register for the system
- Users can add new invitations to their existing accounts, and thus have access to multiple providers and vaults through a single login
- After completing their registration, new users will receive an email with the provider’s branding, confirming their account and advising the URL for future access
- Permissions and membership of security groups can be determined at the time of the invitation, or at any time subsequently
- Users can be disabled instantly; disabled users will lose their access to the system immediately
- If the use of 2-Factor Authentication is not enforced by the administrator, individual users can choose to set up their own 2FA
Security groups
- Security groups are applied to folders and to users; this will determine the actions that each can perform on the contents of a folder
- Users can be permitted to upload, move, rename and delete files and data records
- Users can also be permitted to upload, move, rename and delete folders
- It is thus possible for users to be permitted to upload files and data records, but not move, rename or delete them
- Sub-folders can be given different security groups from their parent, thus allowing more restrictive control of sub-folders
- Provider users can be permitted to manage both provider and client users, as well as to allocate security groups to users and folders
- The ability to manage branding can be applied selectively to provider users, as can the ability to set up the web link from the files and folders page
- Safe4 has a comprehensive reporting capability. Access to this is also controlled by a permission setting
- Content control through the scanning of uploaded files for protective markings is also a function that is permission-controlled
- Further permission controls allow users to be allocated the ability to manage users globally without having to issue new invitations, and to request signatures on PDF documents that are held within Safe4
Safe4 reporting and data history
- Reports on activity within Safe4 can be generated by authorised provider users
- Any date range can be selected, as can any of the provider accounts and vaults accessible to the user in question
- Every single function available within Safe4 can be queried in this way
- All actions performed on the files and data within Safe4 are recorded and made available as an audit trail. This is shown adjacent to the file or data record in question, and does not require a report to be run
Branding to reflect your corporate style
- Each provider account can feature a different logo, and can be named according to the application in question (for example a law firm may wish to brand corporate and private client accounts differently)
- Provider accounts can use different terminology to describe vaults (for example Clients, Projects, Matters, Data Rooms, etc)
- Provider accounts can have customised individual welcome text for the login page, and disclaimer text for user invitation emails
- Vaults within each provider account can carry a link to the provider’s website
- Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning has been implemented within Safe4
- This allows a network drive to be mapped on Windows and Apple computers, connecting to Safe4 in the cloud
- All of the provider accounts and vaults that the user is permitted to see will be displayed as folders and sub-folders in Windows Explorer
- All of the functions available in Windows can thus be used: files can be uploaded and downloaded by simple dragging and dropping them between folders in Windows
- New files can be created in applications such as Microsoft Office, for example, by right-clicking and selecting “New …”
- MS Office files can be opened, edited, and saved simply by double-clicking in the normal way. The amended version is placed into Safe4 as a new version of the original file. Previous versions can then be displayed in the web interface if required
- Depending on the version of Windows, mapping a network drive using WebDAV may present difficulties. In such cases, other freely-downloadable tools are available to allow files in Safe4 to be edited online. Safe4 will provide advice and assistance to support the setting up of such tools
The Safe4 Asset Register
- As well as managing documents, the Safe4 Asset Register permits the entry of data directly into fields within the folder structure
- Users with appropriate permissions can Manage Entities, which enables them to set up asset classes and subclasses
- Attributes can be created and associated with each asset class or subclass
- Asset folders can be intermixed with normal Safe4 folders
- When an asset folder is selected, the attributes are displayed as fields into which data can be entered directly from computers, tablets and smartphones by any user with the necessary permissions
- Permission controls on asset folders are identical to normal folders; thus users can be given view-only rights or enabled to add, edit, move and delete asset records
- All asset-related activities are captured in the Safe4 audit trail
- If an asset record is changed the previous version is retained, to ensure the completeness of the record history
- Ideal for managing information that does not require the upload of a document, for activities in areas such as project management, CRM, inheritance planning, capturing secure client information such as bank account details, and many more
- Removes the need to use email to transfer some types of highly confidential information
Signing documents within Safe4
- Documents in PDF format that require signature can be selected from a folder
- The users who are required to sign the document/s are then selected from a list
- An email notification is sent to each user, with a link to the document
- After logging in and authenticating themselves, users are given the option to sign or reject the document; this requires the further entry of the user’s password to confirm their selection
- After their decision has been made, the document is then routed to the next user
- When all of the required signatures have been added a new version of the document is created, with an additional page recording each signing event
- The signature page contains a verification code, which is a blockchain-like record of the signature by each individual that has been requested to sign the document
2-Factor Authentication
- The use of 2-Factor Authentication can be enforced by the administrator, or alternatively individual users can choose to set up 2-factor Authentication on their own account
- When this option is selected, the user will be prompted to enter a mobile phone number which will be held against their user account
- Thereafter, whenever login is attempted the user will be challenged to enter a 7-digit authentication code that will be sent to their mobile device as a text message
- Users who have enabled 2FA will also be challenged and presented with an authentication code when they enter the “My Account” section of the system
- Each authentication code will have a life of 24 hours
Unique and flexible architecture
- Multi-tenanted structure
- Unlimited number of providers
- Each provider may create an unlimited number of vaults, for external or internal applications
- Each provider may have an unlimited number of users
- Each vault may have an unlimited number of users
- Each user may be connected to multiple provider accounts
- Each user may be connected to multiple vaults
- Users may have a combination of different provider and vault account connections through a single login