Enhanced User Experience for Safe4

Safe4 is being constantly enhanced to keep up with the latest in security and in web development. We have just released a major improvement to the core screen handling your files. This modernises the appearance of the system, and critically for the first time in Safe4 enables the folders and files to scroll independently. Solving a challenge for some of our users who have long lists of folders or large numbers of files – making it easier to navigate and find the right information quickly.


The new appearance aims to be clearer and make better use of the screen space. There are also improvements when accessing the system on a mobile phone.

In enhancing the system we have moved some functions to make navigation more consistent. The previous ‘View’ menu, which was in the navigation bar at the top, has been replaced with some simple buttons.

These are now placed next to the name of the vault to which they apply, and can be accessed more easily with a single click.

The Navigation options at the top of the page now relate to global functions independent of the vault you are working in.

We hope these improvements make the system easier to use. Look out for further improvements as we apply the new design to more of the pages in the system.