Christine Andrews of DQM GRC to present at Safe4 Conference

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is looming. This EU-originated legislation will come into force in 2018, and already many UK organisations are becoming aware of the impact that the new regulation will have. The imposition of heavy fines and the more onerous responsibilities placed upon data controllers and data processors are concentrating the minds of data protection officers in organisations large and small, in all sectors of business.

Safe4 are delighted to announce that Christine Andrews, Managing Director of DQM GRC, will be presenting at the Safe4 Conference in London on 17 November. Christine has many years’ experience in the field of regulation and compliance, and offers a deep understanding of what this means to different types of organisation. As well as appreciating the need to get to grips with the impact of GDPR, Christine and her team are skilled at advising on positive solutions and good practice that will allow data protection officers to have confidence that risks to their organisations are being minimised and compliance enhanced.

Ben Martin, director of Safe4, believes that “many of our customers have shown that they take data protection very seriously, and are making extensive use of the secure information management capabilities that the Safe4 system provides. Christine’s presentation will add valuable insight to the opportunities for improvement in current practice to ensure that the additional demands of GDPR are being met”.