More evidence of the need to capture the Digital Legacy

A recent article on the BBC Technology website (click here) has highlighted once again the need for a means to capture the important elements of our digital lives, so that loved ones can gain access to the vital information and valuable memories that we leave behind. As we all use digital devices more and more, we are generating information about our lives that can so easily be captured if we have have access to a facility that can hold passwords and other private details.

The Safe4 Digital Inheritance Vault, launched at the Society of Will Writers annual conference in October 2015, provides a facility for clients of the Society’s members to store highly confidential information about their life and their legacy that even the will-writer cannot see. This information will be released to the executor nominated in the will after the testator’s death, so that the details can be used to carry out the probate process. The Digital Vault can also be used to keep usernames, passwords and PINs for online accounts completely private. Access to electronic devices, which themselves may hold large amounts of personal information such as messages and photographs, can also be made available to the family, in accordance with the testator’s wishes.

The Digital Inheritance Vault is now being taken up by more and more of the Society’s members, so that they can offer their clients a secure and efficient way to handle this sensitive but valuable information.

For more details on the Digital Inheritance Vault, and how it can be used to capture the Digital Legacy, please get in touch with us.

Safe4 to exhibit at Society of Will Writers Annual Conference, 2016

The Society of Will Writers Annual Conference in October 2015 saw the official launch of the Safe4 Digital Inheritance Vault, a highly secure facility for managing a client’s estate plan and capturing their digital legacy for future generations. The 2016 conference will take place on 10 and 11 October, at the Abbey Hotel in Redditch, Worcestershire.

Safe4 will be exhibiting once again, and will feature enhancements to the Digital Inheritance Vault, as well as updating the conference on progress with the introduction of the vault to members. Response by the membership of the Society has been strong, with a number of will-writing businesses having signed up and now actively offering the service to their clients.

Another month of 100% availability, and record new user sign-ups for Safe4

April 2016 saw another 100% record of availability for Safe4, according to an independent monitoring service. This contrasts strongly with a number of other online services – one of the UK’s leading banks, for example, suffered an outage over the recent bank holiday weekend that had a severe impact on client services.

User sign-ups in April were also a new record, as a result of Safe4 customers initiating new data rooms and projects. Usage of the Safe4 secure document delivery and storage service has been growing steadily since inception in 2010, reinforcing the confidence that customers have shown in the security and effectiveness of the system, and the value that it brings to their client relationships.

For more information on how Safe4 can help your business, please contact us.

Safe4 launches new mobile interface

Safe4 version 4.4 has now been released, and provides an interface specifically designed for the mobile user. Making use of “responsive” design techniques, Safe4 will detect that a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet is being used, and will change the interface accordingly. This will assist users by altering the format of the display depending on whether the device is being held in portrait or landscape mode.

Since many users will still need to access some of the core Safe4 functionality from their mobile devices, such as renaming files or reviewing file histories, an option to use the standard desktop web user interface on the mobile device is retained.

Another useful facility is the ability to upload photographs from a tablet or smartphone directly into the vault of the user’s choosing. This has been verified on Apple devices, including iPhones and iPads, and on Android smartphones. Again, this will assist users who need to capture an image of a paper document, or some other evidential record in photographic form, by enabling instantaneous upload. Safe4 will notify authorised users of the upload in the normal way, and will update audit trails accordingly.

The future development programme for Safe4 continues to bring forward additional capabilities, to enhance the service by increasing the functionality and flexibility of the system, and by building on the best-in-class security and reliability attributes that Safe4 has established.

For more information on how Safe4 can assist your business to achieve reductions in cost, better client service and improved compliance, please contact us.

Safe4 achieves Cyber Essentials accreditation and recognition against the IASME standard

IASME selfcert badge

In March 2016, Safe4 Information Management achieved further recognition for its safe and secure delivery and storage of customers’ documents. By achieving certification to the IASME governance standard, recognised by the UK Government as the best cyber security standard for small companies, Safe4 demonstrated continuing capability to provide a secure and trusted environment for customers and their clients to manage documents online.

At the same time, Safe4 successfully renewed its government Cyber Essentials accreditation and, with its continuing use of UK based ISO 27001 accredited data centres, is compliant with UK Government requirements for online document management and with the requirements of regulatory bodies in the professions.

The IASME (Information Assurance for Small and Medium Enterprises) standard links with international ISO/IEC 27001 standards and represents best practice for SMEs in this sphere.  It is derived from UK Government guidance, international standards, as well as best practice from the EU, USA, and significant engagement with a wide variety of SMEs and other sources.

Safe4 is committed to maintaining the highest levels of security in the management of all customer data, and plans to enhance the level of compliance with recognised standards during 2016. To find out more about the security measures Safe4 undertakes, and how this can benefit your business, please contact us.

Not all providers of cloud-based services are the same …

An increasing number of major IT companies are now offering cloud-based computing services. Many of them are household names, often associated with the technologies we all use every day such as email, online shopping, and search engines. But are they ideal places to manage and store critical or confidential information?

Another instance of non-availability of cloud services has been highlighted in the media this week. Whilst every service provider may occasionally suffer from problems caused by human error, offering a high level of availability in conjunction with exceptional standards of security demands a different approach from that provided by many of the industry’s leading names. This approach is one of many factors that differentiates Safe4 from the majority of service providers who use cloud-based facilities.

Holding all customer data in UK-based data centres accredited to the ISO 27001 international standard for information security is not the cheapest way to make cloud-based services available, but that is the approach taken by Safe4. Equally, compliance with the requirements of regulatory bodies such as the UK’s Solicitors Regulation Authority is not easy or straightforward – but again, this is the path Safe4 has chosen to follow.

We would be delighted to provide you with more detail on how Safe4 can assist your business to manage confidential information safely and securely; please get in touch with us.

Are law firms really slow to adopt new technology?

A recent article on the BBC website asks, in a somewhat tongue-in-cheek manner, whether technology can bring lawyers into the 21st Century.  The media often portray lawyers as clinging on to time-honoured practices, increasing the time taken to pursue cases – as well as the charges to their clients.

But is this accurate? Whilst it is true that a number of smaller law firms in the UK are reluctant to embrace technology, many leading firms have made substantial investments in IT, and are increasingly using technology to reduce costs and improve client service. The arrival of fixed fee charging has made a difference, no doubt partially driven by the Alternative Business Structures legislation a few years ago that has seen high-profile corporate new entrants into the legal sector.

Safe4 works with a number of law firms, and is seeing heavy usage by a number of them across a range of business sectors: virtual data rooms for corporate mergers and acquisitions, residential and commercial property, dispute resolution, employment law, family law, sport and leisure, and inheritance planning to name but a few. Safe4 have invested heavily in ensuring adherence to Solicitors Regulation Authority guidance, thus reducing risk for their customers.

For more detail on how using Safe4 can save law firms money, enhance client service and improve compliance, please contact us. We will be very happy to assist you.

Problems originated by email continue – often with costly and damaging consequences

The ransomware attack on Lincolnshire County Council last week has now been resolved, but once again the dangers that may lurk within email messages have been highlighted. When members of any organisation are accustomed to using email to transfer information that is critical or necessary for the business, the likelihood of inadvertently opening messages that contain harmful malware is increased. A county council will recover from the damage caused by such a problem; a small or medium sized business may not.

One of the sectors that is potentially exposed to such risks is the legal profession. It is estimated that more than 70% of UK law firms regularly communicate confidential client information in open email systems.

Safe4 offers a secure and reliable service for the transfer of confidential information to anyone with access to the Internet. Flexible configuration options mean that it can be applied to a variety of business requirements. Contact us for more information on how we can help your organisation to reduce costs, improve compliance and enhance customer service.

The need to maintain and protect the digital legacy is highlighted by action against Apple

In October 2015 Safe4 launched the Digital Inheritance Vault at the Society of Will Writers annual Conference in Redditch, UK. Since then, the will writing community have been adopting the service in increasing numbers to offer it to their clients. One of the key benefits that the Vault provides is the ability to keep a record of all passwords and PINs in a completely secure place, visible only to the end client. This not only covers online accounts with banks, building societies, credit card providers, insurers and the like, but also social media accounts and physical devices such as computers, smartphones and tablets. The will-writer cannot gain access to this private information, but it can be released to the executor of the estate after the client’s death.

A recent case in Canada has demonstrated just how valuable such a service can be, as highlighted in the media this week. Whilst in this instance Apple have eventually agreed to open the iPad for the family, it took months of argument and aggravation at a time when the family was grieving. The contents of the iPad will almost certainly have no monetary value, but will contain cherished memories that can be enormously important to the family.

The Safe4 Digital Inheritance Vault makes provision for the recording of such information, and keeps it completely private. For more information on how the service works, please click here, or contact us. We will be delighted to assist you.

Email scam causes loss of £45,000 as conveyancing emails are hacked

The use of email to carry confidential client information is still a significant cause of computer crime in the UK, with more than 70% of law firms persisting with the use of this high-risk means of carrying confidential information.

The latest instance has seen a tragic case involving newly-wed first time buyers lose their life savings, following the interception of emails by hackers who falsified bank details. Please click here for more information.

Using the Safe4 secure document delivery and storage service will radically reduce the risk of fraudulent interception of confidential information. The Safe4 service is SRA compliant, and never uses email to carry documents; by using UK-based ISO 27001 accredited data centres, performing full encryption of all uploaded information, and contracting with customers under English Law, Safe4 offers a fast and effective service that enhances regulatory compliance and offers levels of security that email cannot match. Even “secure” email services are often clumsy and inefficient, and do not offer the comprehensive audit trails and reporting facilities of Safe4.

For more information on how Safe4 can make your client communications fast, efficient and secure, please contact us. We will be delighted to assist you.