Record of 100% availability of Safe4 continues – but not for all service providers

Safe4 recorded another month of 100% availability in December 2018, to continue a remarkable record of availability in excess of 99.99% that stretches back to October 2017. In addition to providing the highest standards of security in managing customers’ documents and data, Safe4 also ensures that information is always available when needed.

Not all service providers are able to claim such a record, as published today. As well as utilising UK-only data centres accredited to ISO 27001 and being fully compliant with the Solicitors Regulation Authority guidance for cloud computing, Safe4 has been able to ensure that customers’ business activities are not curtailed or interrupted by the system being unavailable.

For more information on how Safe4 can help your organisation to improve security, reduce costs and enhance client service, please contact us. We will be very pleased to assist you.