Share files internationally

We are pleased to announce the release of a small – but important – update to Safe4.

Over the last 18 months Safe4 has seen increasing use of the system to share files internationally. Until today Safe4 displayed all dates and times in GMT/UTC. This update has provided the ability to show the dates and times in your local timezone, making it much easier for international users to understand the information presented without needing to do time computations.

Time settings are configured in the “My Account” page, reached by clicking on your name in the top right.

At the bottom of the My Account page you will see three options :-

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  • Location – Select the major city closest to you. The system will also take into account daylight saving time at your location if it applies.
  • Date Format – Select the display format for dates.
  • Time Format – Select your preferred format for the display of times.

Safe4 hope this new feature will make it easier for you to share files internationally and for your international clients to easily understand the chronology of the files transferred in the system.