Version 3.0 of Safe4 streamlines secure document delivery platform

The Safe4service is undergoing constant improvement, and we have now completed some significant changes that are being made available in a specific new release, Safe4 version 3.0.  Many of these will give the service provider greater control over how the system is used by their clients, and there are a number of helpful user features that will improve the experience of using Safe4.  The latest Safe4 Administration Manual can be accessed by clicking here.

Your clients’ users will receive a separate email directing them to a different Release Blog.  For your information, this can be accessed by clicking here.

The key changes to the system are:

  • The ability to place a time limitation on a client’s vault.  This is primarily to support the new Safe4 concept of Instant Document Delivery, but it is applicable to many situations in which a provider may wish to withdraw a vault from client access after a set time period.
  • Enhanced permission control is available on some of the standard sections of the Safe4 folder structure, including the ability to manage access to the existing My Folder Tree and Common Folders.
  • A number of field labels for the definition of client vaults are now configurable by the provider.
  • Additional controls have been added to the way in which permission groups are set up.
  • Extended controls have been added to the process of sending email notifications when new files are added to a client’s vault.  Service providers can now choose to override a user’s preference not to receive emails, if they deem it essential for efficient communications.
  • The client user interface has been simplified to make it easier for providers to engage with clients.

Client users of the system also see improvements

  • The upload process for adding new documents to the system has been improved, with changes to the way in which the actions are carried out.
  • User feedback during file upload has been improved, with a percentage counter and enhanced status bar.
  • It is now possible for Safe4 vaults to be time-limited under certain circumstances.  Your service provider will inform you if this applies to your use of Safe4.
  • Service providers can now choose to override a user’s preference not to receive emails, if they deem it essential for efficient communications.