100% availability for Safe4 again in April 2015

Safe4 continues to record the highest possible availability levels for its secure online document delivery and storage service, with 100% availability for April 2015.  This means that the law firms, will writers, accountants, financial advisers, insurance brokers and their clients who are now using Safe4 in ever-increasing numbers to deliver and manage confidential information are enjoying completely uninterrupted access to the system, wherever they are based.  Safe4 is also used extensively in the health sector and by very high-profile groups within the UK public service, which again means that the information that they provide is available whenever it is needed.

As well as recording such high levels of availability, response times for displaying information held in Safe4 have been falling.  Information is therefore being accessed more quickly and effectively – average page display times have fallen to 477 milliseconds.

If you would like more information about Safe4, please get in touch.  We would be delighted to help you to manage confidential information with complete security.